Archive for the 'A' Category


Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Autocasting is an automated method of creating podcasts.

Audio Blog

Sunday, March 5th, 2006

An audio blog is a blog that primarily publishes audio files such as podcasts or music.

See also:


Sunday, March 5th, 2006

Atom is a type of web feed, written in XML, which allows a user to download any updates made to the website or blog using a feed reader.Atom related resources:
Atom Enabled


Sunday, March 5th, 2006

An anonyblog is a blog run and managed by an anonymous author(s). Though the blog may appear to provide information about the author, the author’s true identity isn’t revealed.An anonyblog may also be run using an alias or pseudonym (pen name).

See also:


Sunday, March 5th, 2006

An anonoblog is a blog run by an anonymous author(s). Though the blog may display information about the author(s), it does not reveal the author’s true name or personal information.

An anonoblog may also be run using an alias or pseudonym (pen name).

See also:


Sunday, March 5th, 2006

An aggregator is software that pulls information from various web feeds that you have selected and displays any updates made to them.

Aggregators make it possible to download the updated content (or an excerpt) for viewing on your computer, in your web browser, or even displayed on another website without needing to visit the original website.

A few popular Desktop aggregators include:

A few popular online aggregators include:

See also:


Sunday, March 5th, 2006

The A-list is the top rung of bloggers who usually command the most attention and generally cary the most clout in the blogosphere.

Some A-list bloggers include:
Robert Scoble
Jason Calacanis
Heather B. Armstrong


Sunday, March 5th, 2006

An A-lister is a blogger that is within the top rung of the blogosphere and usually commands the most attention/carries the most clout in the blogosphere.

Some A-listers include:
Tom Coates
Anil Dash