Archive for the 'Definitions' Category

Open Source

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Open Source primarily refers to some kind of coding being public domain and free to use and expand on.


Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Tumblelogs were what the first microblogs were called.


Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Microblogging refers to sending messages out via micro blogs.  Twitter as an example is known as a microblog.

Static Front Page

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Static front page refers to a home page that you set in your wordpress dashboard that remains as the home page, no matter how many posts are added.


Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Blogcasting is the combination of podcasting and blogging on the one website.


Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Autocasting is an automated method of creating podcasts.


Sunday, July 24th, 2011

A podcaster is a person who creates podcasts (audio/video files) that are distributed on places like Itunes.


Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Podcasting is a popular method of distributing in particular audio files across online feeds for listeners to play back on pc and mobile devices.


Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Firepow is a popular blogging tool that has been on the market since 2009.


Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Photoblogging is what a blogger does who predominantly features photographs on his or her blog.